a creative agency that takes care of healthcare brands
Dr Ryan Wallman
19 Jul, 2016

healthcare advertising awards


Warning: this post contains shameless self-promotion. 

Last week, we were chuffed to hear that we’d won a gong at The Creative Floor Healthcare Awards – the ‘toughest healthcare award show on Earth’.

As it turns out, Wellmark was one of only two Australian agencies to receive an award this year.

Shaheed Peera, Founder of the awards, said: “With less than 50% of categories awarded this year, everyone who made it to the finals should be extremely proud of themselves. I’d like to thank our judges for all their hard work. The winning work is truly remarkable. I have no doubt it will inspire the pharmaceutical industry to see what can be achieved with everyday bread and butter briefs.”

Our award was in the ‘Self-promotional campaign’ category, for our email footers.

Email footers, I hear you ask?

Yes, we know, email footers are a far cry from some sexy, omnichannel social activation campaign. Young creatives don’t dream about crafting an email footer that will echo through the ages.

But we see that as an opportunity to do something that others aren’t. As an agency, we send out hundreds of emails a day, so why not use them to build our brand?

We have a range of footers that we use on emails to our clients. As well as emphasising our strengths, they all feature our distinctive tone of voice.

Here’s a selection of them.

healthcare advertising awards

And you can see all the winners from this year’s Creative Floor Awards here.


By Ryan Wallman, Head of Copy at WellmarkRyan tweets about healthcare advertising and pharma communications @wellmark_health

Dr Ryan Wallman, Executive Creative Director at Wellmark. Connect with me on LinkedIn