a creative agency that takes care of healthcare brands
Dr Candice O’Sullivan
07 Jun, 2013

King and Queen

‘King and Queen’ photo courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons by Cliff (cliff1066)

Ever feel guilty that we get a public holiday just because it’s the Queen’s birthday? Would some useful reading fodder help assuage your guilt and help you hit the ground running when you return to work on Tuesday?

Yes, you say? Then give your brand the royal treatment this long weekend with these seven tidbits of advice fit for a king:

  1. Learn from a sceptic
  2. Break a bad habit
  3. Find out what they didn’t teach you at uni
  4. Discover why Warren Buffett is still sexy at the ripe old age of 83
  5. Get naked for Satan
  6. Change your identity
  7. Take our copy advice

By Candice O’Sullivan, Director and Head of Strategy at Wellmark. You can find Candice on Google+ at +Candice O’Sullivan, follow her tweets on brand strategy, content marketing, social media and related topics @candicepill or subscribe to our blog here.

Dr Candice O’Sullivan, Managing Director | Head of Strategy & Planning at Wellmark. You can follow Wellmark on Facebook @wellmarkcreative, LinkedIn @Wellmark_Pty_Ltd or Insta @wellmarkcreative.