a creative agency that takes care of healthcare brands
Tracey Hazelwood
24 Jul, 2024

In the early days of social media, being seen was pretty straightforward.

Organic content could go viral relatively easily: memes and images spread like wildfire, capturing the imagination of followers and newcomers alike without a single media dollar spent.

Paid advertising was also less complicated, often delivering impressive results for brands regardless of whether they had a strong organic presence.

As social media has matured, however, the landscape has changed. Algorithms are more complex, and the digital space is now saturated with countless brands vying for attention.

This shift requires a different approach, where organic and paid efforts are not just parallel strategies but collaborative forces.

Shouting into the void?

Today, creating standout content for organic social can feel like shouting into the void.

Given the effort and creativity that these posts tend to require, the resulting lack of visibility and engagement can leave you feeling disheartened and questioning the value of organic social.

But the key is recognising that these days, the full potential of social media marketing is realised when robust organic strategy and targeted paid campaigns combine.

Moreton Bay Fig tree with large roots in a park

The value of a solid organic foundation

Brands that regularly post organic content create a foundation that enhances the effectiveness of their paid efforts. Even on a modest budget, this approach can significantly boost key performance indicators (KPIs) like reach, impressions, click-through rates and conversions.

And in fact, the benefits extend beyond the numbers: regular exposure and consistent messaging builds authority and trust with audiences, which are crucial for converting newcomers to customers.

While it is possible to run successful paid campaigns without a solid organic base, the combination of both is where the magic really happens.

These days, integrating well-planned organic content and paid ads isn’t just good practice – it’s essential for brands looking to thrive in the crowded and ever-changing social media landscape.

Need help with your social strategy? Get in touch with us.

Tracey Hazelwood, Social Media Manager at Wellmark. Connect with me on LinkedIn