a creative agency that takes care of healthcare brands
Julia Mellios
07 Feb, 2024

Our latest campaign, for the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA), has just gone live!

We’re particularly proud of this campaign – and not simply because it showcases the conceptual talent of our creative team. We feel honoured to bring awareness to a peak body at the cornerstone of our health care system.

This campaign was launched by APNA to commemorate Primary Health Care Nurses Day, which celebrates the 96,000 nurses in Australia who work in non-hospital settings such as aged care, schools and general practice.

Primary health care nurses play a pivotal role in disease prevention and intervention, as well as providing ongoing care and support. They deliver enormous benefits to our community, so it’s only fitting that we shine a light on their efforts.

We collaborated with APNA to develop posters and social media assets (with an anatomical twist) that showcased the attributes of primary health care nurses.

To learn more about how we can support your brand, check out our repertoire. With our decades of clinical knowledge and creative expertise, we’re definitely not the new kid(ney)s on the block.

Image of a seated female primary health care nurse who is leaning forward, with lines pointing out key characteristics of a primary health care nurse including 'a scientific, problem-solving mind' and 'ears that hear what's vital'.Image of a seated female primary health care nurse with lines pointing out key characteristics of a primary health care nurse including 'a scientific, problem-solving mind' and 'ears that hear what's vital'.Image of a standing male primary health care nurse with lines pointing out key characteristics of a primary health care nurse including 'a scientific, problem-solving mind' and 'ears that hear what's vital'.

Julia Mellios, Senior Writer at Wellmark. Connect with me on LinkedIn